Houwen Peng     (彭厚文)

I am a researcher at MSRA.
I am interested in AI foundation and efficiency.

Email: houwen.peng@microsoft.com
Address: 13423 Building 2, Microsoft, No. 5 Danling St., Haidian, Beijing 100080

If you are looking for internship and PhD program, please drop me an email.







Biography: Houwen is a researcher at Microsoft Research as of 2018. Before that he was a senior engineer at Qualcomm AI Research. He received Ph.D. from NLPR, Instituation of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016. From 2015 to 2016, he worked as a visiting research scholar at Temple University. His main research interest is AI foundation and efficient multi-modality intelligence. His research work has been shipped as core technologies to various Microsoft products, including Azure, Office, Bing, Visual Studio, etc.


  • 04/2024 - Appointed as AE for Pattern Recognition.
  • 03/2024 - Xwin-Math released, 7B small LMs are approaching GPT-4 perf on math capabilities.
  • 01/2024 - Xwin-LM v0.3 released, ranking as the top-1 open-sourced model on AlpacaEval benchmark.
  • 11/2023 - Xwin-LM v0.1 ranked as the top-1 open-sourced model on AlpacaEval benchmark. v0.3 is coming, stay tuned.
  • 10/2023 - FP8-LM released.
  • 09/2023 - TinyCLIP code released.
  • 09/2023 - ImageBrush accepted by NeurIPS'2023.
  • 07/2023 - Three papers accepted by ICCV2023, including TinyCLIP, A-CLIP, and Efficient Tracker.
  • 05/2023 - EfficientViT code released.
  • 05/2023 - SeqTrack code released.
  • 03/2023 - Three papers accepted by CVPR2023, including EfficientViT, SeqTrack, and iCLIP.
  • 10/2022 - Papers with code Newsletter #36 picked up X-CLIP.
  • 09/2022 - PointNeXt accepted by NeurIPS'2022.
  • 09/2022 - X-CLIP has been integrated into 🤗 Hugging Face.
  • 09/2022 - Papers with code Newsletter #33 picked up PointNeXt.
  • 09/2022 - AutoFormerV2 was integrated into Timm, while STARK was integrated into OpenMMTracking.
  • 08/2022 - TinyViT is selected as one of the popular Github projects in July. Reddit and XinZhiYuan.
  • 08/2022 - X-CLIP released.
  • 08/2022 - TinyViT released.
  • 07/2022 - A post on our recent tiny and efficient models.
  • 07/2022 - Two papers accepted by ECCV2022, in which X-CLIP was finally selected as an ORAL.
  • 06/2022 - An interesting work on 3D point representation learning PointNeXt.
  • 04/2022 - Our work MiniViT was accepted to CVPR 2022. Code is available.
  • 02/2022 - Our CDARTS is finally accepted by TPAMI. CDARTS Detection and Segmentation code is available now.
  • 01/2022 - Invited as an Area Chair of ACM Multimedia 2022.
  • 12/2021 - Our visual grounding work MS-2D-TAN was reported by 1, 2, 3, 4 ....
  • 11/2021 - Our STARK tracker achieved the Winner in VOT2021 challenge. Code released.
  • 10/2021 - Our video grounding work, MS-2D-TAN, accepted by TPAMI. Congrats to Songyang!
  • 09/2021 - AutoFormerV2 accepted by NeurIPS'21. Two papers got in, congrats!
  • 08/2021 - AutoFormer code is now released. Reported by 1, 2, 3, 4 ...
  • 08/2021 - Invited as a senior program committee (SPC) member for AAAI 2022.
  • 07/2021 - Four papers accepted by ICCV 2021.
  • 07/2021 - Our image relative position encoding iRPE accepted by ICCV 2021, Code and Blog.
  • 07/2021 - Our work on NAS vision transformer AutoFormer is available on ArXiv.
  • 04/2021 - Appointed as Area Chair of ACM Multimedia 2021.
  • 04/2021 - A simple spatio-temporal transformer tracker STARK is released. Code and Blog.
  • 03/2021 - Two works on NAS (EnsembleNAS and LightTrack) accepted by CVPR 2021.
  • 12/2020 - CreamNAS is integrated into Microsoft NNI 2.0 AutoML platform.
  • 11/2020 - Our Cream NAS work was accepted by NeurIPS2020. Code and Blog.
  • 07/2020 - Ocean is accepted by ECCV2020. Code is available.
  • 06/2020 - CDARTS has integrated into Microsoft NNI AutoML platform.
  • 06/2020 - We released a cyclic differentiable neural architecture search algorithm, CDARTS and Code.
  • 06/2020 - We released the object-aware anchor-free tracking algorithm (Ocean), arXiv and Code.
  • 04/2020 - A simple transductive video object segmentation approach, dubbed TVOS, was accepted by CVPR2020. Code was released!
  • 10/2019 - A coauthor paper on video moment localization, dubbed 2D-TAN, was accepted by AAAI2020. Code and Blog .
  • 09/2019 - Our team achieved Rank #1 in HACS Temporal Action Localization Challenge at ICCV2019 workshop.
  • 07/2019 - Our team achieved one Winner and two Runner-ups in VOT2019 challenges. Code was released.
  • 03/2019 - Our first tracking paper, dubbed SiamDW, was accepted by CVPR2019 as an Oral. Code is available.

Copyright © 2019-2024 HOUWEN PENG